Monday, April 29, 2019
3:30-5:30 PM
2060 Rayburn House Office Building
Sponsored by Carnegie Mellon University and IEEE-USA
As the debate continues over how soon and how profoundly automation will alter the job landscape and what policies should be implemented, efforts are already well under way on several fronts to meet this challenge.
Join us to hear from workers, educators, industry and labor leaders and the technologists themselves who are involved in real world efforts to prepare the nation’s workforce.
Moderator: Jeff Burnstein, President, Robotics Industry Association (RIA) Presentation PDF
I. Workforce Training Programs that Work: Retraining the Under-employed, Secondary and Post-Secondary Workforce in a Highly Blue Collar Industry Region that is Rapidly Automating
Ritch Ramey, Engineering Technologies Coordinator at Tri-Rivers Career Center RAMTEC, Marion, OH
Bob Graff, Senior Sales Manager, STEM Education, YASKAWA AMERICA, INC., Motoman Robotics Division
Ohio Lt. Governor Jon Husted shares proposals to fix worker shortages and discusses “micro-credentials,” “industry credentials,” and worker training in career centers – via YouTube
II. Leveraging AI to Close the Skills Gap: Cognitive Tutors in Community College and Vocational Training Settings
Dr. Lee Branstetter, Carnegie Mellon University, Heinz College Block Center for Technology and Society, Pittsburgh, PA Presentation PDF
III. Human Machine Teaming from the Perspective of the Human-Strategies for Engaging Students and Communities with Emerging Technology
Prof. Michael A. Gennert, Robotics Engineering Program, Computer Science and Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA Presentation PDF
IV. Organized Labor Strategies: Engaging in the Innovation Process to Shape the Future of Work
Edward Wytkind, Former President, Transportation Traded Department, AFL-CIO; currently advisor to labor on future of work and technology Presentation PDF
For more information about the briefing, to RSVP for this event,
or to learn more about robotics companies in your Congressional District,
please contact Bernadette Concepcion at [email protected]
Sparklebots Robotics Team Ladies, Makayla Jackson & Zaicoria McLean with physicist and Congressman, Bill Foster of Illinois
Flora L. Hendley Elementary School, Photo courtesy of their teacher, Mrs. Ramona M. Hutchins
Congressman Foster with Ian Chang and Liam Chalk of the St. Albans School Robotics Team, and the robot they built and competed with in the VEX Tournaments